Working with Len

Created by David 2 years ago

I worked with Len at Marconi Avionics for several years and always enjoyed his company, I and the rest of the department enjoyed his stories of his early life as an apprentice in the radio and T.V repair trade and his National Service in Egypt. We used to have some hilarious moments with some gentle leg pulling about his thespian activities with DAODS, of which of course he was a leading light and a fine tenor singer. Pat and I went to and greatly enjoyed several shows, I particularly remember Guys and Dolls.

Len and Peggy occasionally came down to our smallholding to collect goat and donkey manure which was sold to members of DAODS at fundraising auctions of promises. I remember Len telling me how the lucky bidders had a fine crop of stinging nettles the following spring!

Len and Peggy were a lovely couple and Pat and I were privileged to enjoy their company on a number of occasions.